Tag Archives: Maricopa County

Dog Chews Off Cop Car Bumper in Puppycide Protest: Chattanooga Cops Cool in Funniest YouTube Video Ever

A pit bull-mix dog named Winston, apparently in protest over puppycides in Tennessee and elsewhere, chews the bumper of a Chattanooga Police car completely off. Since DAs never prosecute these puppycides, the dog took matters into his own paws–er, teeth in the funniest video ever.

The cops were cool, the judge humorless.  She’s one of the reasons we need term limits for judges.  After 10 years, they usually burn out from boredom.  As the dog’s owner commented on CNN, police have been “shooting dogs for a lot less.”  Here’s some raw police footage with more bumper chewing action.

We’ve written here before about the never-prosecuted crime of Puppycide.  The situation typically arises in no-knock raids where quasi-military squads rush into houses, usually over minor drug offenses or to serve misdemeanor warrants.  The routine practice is to shoot every dog in the house for “officer safety.”  As Radley Balko points out in links to the above article, officer safety would never be in jeopardy if they were simply to knock on the door and announce themselves when dealing with non-violent offenders or suspected offenders.  No-knock raids were intended for hostage situations, and barricades by violent suspects, and that’s what they should be reserved for in a constitutional republic.

Commerce City, Colo. police recently committed a completely unjustified puppycide incident, where police officials acted recklessly, and later arrogantly.

But hey, at least a clean head shot beats what Joe Arpaio’s lawless minions are up to in Maricopa County, Arizona.  There, in a raid that netted a guy with two misdemeanor traffic warrants, Arpaio’s SWAT goons burned down a house and crashed an armored personnel carrier (that would be a tank) into a parked vehicle on a residential street when the brakes apparently failed.

But that’s the least of it.  One SWAT sociopath saw a panicked puppy named Dre run from his burning home.  He thought it was funny and chased the puppy back into the burning building with blasts from a fire extinguisher.  The innocent puppy’s howls could be heard all over the block as Dre burned to death.  When the victim was crying and screaming as she unburied her dog from the ashes, this criminal with a badge told her to “shut the F### up”!  More on all of this is here and here.

Fortunately, this story will probably have a happy ending.  Arpaio and his enabling partner in crime, DA Andy Thomas, really overplayed their lawless and arrogant hand.  Instigating criminal prosecutions of:  two neighboring, conservative elected DAs; a respected Superior Court Judge; a newspaper editor; and the Maricopa County Manager and Budget director probably pushed the envelope.  Their crimes?  Publicly criticizing Arpaio.  Maricopa’s Mussolini is now the subject of a federal grand jury investigation and a likely lawsuit by Judge Gary Donahoe and others.

He probably won’t suffer the fate of his Italian role model, but he should wind up behind bars, out of office, and worst of all for the senile publicity-hound, off of Fox News.  Stay tuned here for much more details.